Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Who Did It Better - Easyflex revolution Ad or Mtn Pulse Ad?

Etisalat introduced the EasyFlex Revolution with an innovative TV commercial to go with it. The commercial features Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji and British-Nigerian actor, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, as agents with a mission to deliver the package across Nigeria.

On the other hand, Mtn came up with theirs to back up the return of Mtn Pulse. The ad features, talented comedian and musician, Falz d bad guy, teckno, Scales and others.

So whose commercial was better? 

You have to give it to them, both commercials were good. However, if I were to pick which ad was better, I would give it to Etisalat for the following reasons:

1. The commercial had quality and precision. It was short but with a clear message. I had to watch Mtn's commercial twice before I grabbed what they were trying to pass.

2. Etisalat's ad was matured. This is not to say Mtn didn't know what they were up to. Both were targeting different markets and so needed a different approach to it. I stick with maturity though.

3. For lovers of the James Bond series, you will agree that Etisalat nailed it there. Their costumes, the 'lambo' and the words "you have been briefed" really showcased agents with an important mission.

In terms of Humour Mtn carried the day. One can't stop laughing. They equally made other networks look clueless and dumb thanks to Falz and some other guys. The only issue could be that the commercial would have been lost on Falz if MTN were not to be a bigger brand than Falz.

In summary, each commercial is unique in its own way. I am only hoping that the quality of their commercials reflect the quality of their services too.

All opinions raised here are personal and has not been influenced in anyway. Everyone is free to his/her opinion.

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